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Also known as:

Steroids, Roids, Juice, Gym Candy, Pumpers, Stackers, Balls or Bulls, Arnolds, Arnies, A’s, Anabolics, Weight Trainers, Turnibol, Dianabol, Durabolin, Oxandrin, Anadrol, Winstrol.

What it's supposed to do?

Build muscle, reduce body fat and enhance sports performance

How it's supposed to work?

Stimulates new muscle formation and prevents muscle breakdown.  

May produce a "Steroid Rush" which allows someone to train harder and longer.

Does it work?

Doesn't' matter because it illegal!

Is it safe?

Causes liver disease, liver tumors, cancer, breast enlargement in men, small testicles, stunts growth in teenagers, masculinization in women, heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, acne, oily skin, baldness, stretch marks, muscle strains, tendon rupture, mood changes, aggression, psychosis, suicide. 

Testosterone is illegal and punishable as a felony!

Banned by the NCAA, NFL, IOCC and other sports organization.

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Copyright © 2004 Adolescent Herbal Guide
Last modified: November 15, 2005