Our Mission"To foster and stimulate interest in pediatrics, and to improve in every way the health services for children in Suffolk County of the State of New York." Society Officers, 2017-2018
Letter from the President September 2017 Welcome, We have an exciting year ahead for the Suffolk
Pediatric Society. Besides our local society events, we are getting
involved with AAP Chapter 2 events, Teleconferences, and will continue our
involvement with Nassau Pediatric Society at Resident Presentation night in June,
2018 at Chateau Briand. Activities for Fall 2017- Spring 2018 will be
announced soon. Suffolk
Pediatric Society Meetings:
Meeting with Nassau Pediatric Society at Chateau Briand:
Chapter 2 Meetings:
Many of you have asked, what
does the Suffolk Pediatric Society do for us? The Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau
and Suffolk Pediatric societies make up the New York Chapter 2 of the American
Academy of Pediatrics. Below are some of the activities we have been
involved in. We
have a core of energetic physicians who volunteer their time to benefit all
members. I am looking for members of the Suffolk Pediatric Society to get
involved with some of these initiatives and to approach me if there are other
ideas for the future. I
look forward to seeing you this year! Stephen
Katz, MD MRSA Information: NYS
Prevention of MRSA Infection in the School Setting CDC Autism website: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/index.html NEW! Speaker's
Bureau Visit New York Chapter 2's Pediatric Council page. Having problems with an insurance company? Fill out an Insurance Grievance Form and let New York District II help log and address the problems. Contact Information
Send mail to AJBattista@aol.com with
questions or comments about this web site.